Thursday, May 24, 2012

Busy Weekend

Last weekend was a little busy in our house. Friday and Saturday we participated in our neighborhood's annual rummage sale. We realized it was quite the event when our entire block was filled with cars at 8am! Since we have a new baby coming, I wasn't able to purge as much as I would have liked, so next year will be a big one for us.

After the dust settled and we cleaned our garage out, we started our planting for the summer. The kids helped out by slinging mud most of the time, so we had to finish earlier this week.

Welcoming customers to our sale. The only catch was that she wasn't ready to let go of some toys.

Her gardening gloves.

All finished and ready to bloom.

In the backyard, we planted zucchini, raspberries (courtesy of Nani for Mother's Day) and red peppers. Hopefully the family of rabbits living in our backyard won't interrupt our garden!

On two posts of our pergola, Nick planted honeysuckle vines in hopes of them attaching and providing shade for the summer months. I'll be happy if they just attach to the posts. Nick expects it to climb half way up. We'll see at end of summer who was more accurate.

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