Our holidays started off a little early this year. Santa Claus visited us a couple days before Christmas (Wisconsin is one of his first stops) and brought lots of fun gifts for us. We had the whole weekend to play with our new toys and enjoyed laying around the house. Christmas Eve we headed down to Chicago to Aunt Linda's house to celebrate with the Draper family. Good food, good company, and we got to meet baby Alexis for the first time! We loaded up (and practically spilled out of the back with toys) and headed to Nani and Grandpa's house for the night. Another early morning rise on Christmas Day and we continued the celebration with Aunts, Uncles and lots of cousins. Somehow, we managed to stuff everything in the car and headed back home for a few days. The Saturday after Christmas, we jumped back in the car to meet the Obers in Lafayette, IN for our third Christmas celebration at an indoor water park hotel. The next day we came home and tried our best to unpack the suitcases we had been living out of for a couple of weeks. New Years Eve came and fortunately all we had to travel was next door for a party with friends. Once Teddy was asleep, I used that as my excuse to over serve myself the rest of the night. Luckily, Nick stepped in the next morning and let me sleep half the day away. It was a whirlwind of holiday fun, but we all had a great time and wouldn't have changed a thing. Happy New Year, friends and family!

A fun Saturday night putting together toys for the kids.
Initially, I was in charge of putting together Violet's doll house. That was until I opened the box and saw 500 pieces! Thankfully, Nick quickly stepped in.
Max awoke at 6am to let us know Santa had come! He wasn't too pleased when he had to wait on his sister and brother to wake up.
As you can see, Violet has an obsession with Rapunzel. She now has a Rapunzel doll in every size (including one bigger than her thanks to our neighbor, Macy)!
"It's too early for this s&*t!"
Boys and their matching shirts.
Nick showing off his balloon making skills with his new kit. Clown makeup not included!
As I suspected, Max took to the doll house and...
Violet took to the bike!
The ping pong set Max picked out for Daddy. I see a future Forrest Gump!
Christmas Eve with the Drapers. Our newest family member, Alexis Evelyn Draper. She arrived December 22 after a long 2 days of labor. She weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz and is even more beautiful in person!
August and Auntie Natalie
The two boys laying around. At this time next year, these two will be trouble!
Violet and Auntie Kelly
Alexis was awake long enough to see the gift opening craziness.
Christmas Day. My boys in their church clothes.
Max received a microphone from Santa, but it's been a very popular toy with everyone else!
Jumping for joy!
The family gets bigger each year.
Their superhero capes from Nani in action.
Their missions have included getting us water, finding a toy for Teddy and cleaning up spills. Best gift ever!
We even had time to make a gingerbread house in between Christmases.
Ober Family Christmas
Too much fun for Teddy.
And too much fun for Jackson.